General Chartering Discussion
Here is a place for you to talk about your charter experience, ask questions about specific boats and locations, and connect with other sailors to charter together.
66 Discussions
Most recent: Upcoming or regular charters?
Started 03 January 2025 by Nick M
General Sailing Discussion
This category is for everyone to talk about everything sailing. TransPac, America's Cup, the newest models of boats, sailing news, etc. (it just must be sailing-related).
41 Discussions
Most recent: Long Beach 40ft Boat on Breakwall (2/4/2024)
Started 05 February 2024 by LB4697
Sailing School Discussion
This is where everyone can talk about the courses and classes that Marina Sailing offers, from beginning sailing with our Complete Sailing Course, to docking, big boat, navigation, and more, up to advanced courses.