Catalina 3-day weekend - Mid January

  • Last Post 07 July 2021
Ben Cahan posted this 07 January 2020

Is anyone interested in joining me for a 3 day weekend sail to Avalon this month?  I am thinking of Jan 17-19 (Fri-Sun) or perhaps Saturday-Monday, on one of the larger boats out of Long Beach.  Possibly A Little Endeavor, a Beneteau 45.

If we get 6 folks in total, it would cost around $325 a person, but of course we could take one of the smaller boats and save some bucks if there are fewer folks interested.

Reply or just email me at if you are interested in weekend trips to Catalina.  the boats are cost effective in the Winter, and the parking over at Avalon will be no problem.  I also have a trolling motor for the dingy, so no need to rent the outboard.

Ben Cahan

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  • Tim S MR8028
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Gordy posted this 09 January 2020

I do not think I can swing the whole weekend, but I am down in SoCal at the end of the month for a convention, and could maybe swing an overnight trip Friday 31st coming back Saturday Feb 1st. 

Life may not be the party you hoped for, but while you're here, you may as well dance !!!

Ben Cahan posted this 11 January 2020

During the winter, it doesn't make a lot of sense going for 2 days, we'd have to leave really early the first day to have time at the Island before dark, and then we'd have to be on our way home by 11-12 in the morning to get back home.  Seems like that would ultimately feel rushed, although I get that many people can't swing that extra day due to work and all that.

Gordy posted this 13 January 2020

OK---maybe another time....

Life may not be the party you hoped for, but while you're here, you may as well dance !!!

Tim S MR8028 posted this 07 July 2021

Hi Ben, 
If you ever plan another trip to Catalina, let me know!
