I have taken the ASA 101, 103, and 104 sessions and waiting on my certificates and stickers for my log book.
If anyone needs someone to help man a boat, I will need the practice towards my certification, and will contribute to the expenses and clean up! I am fully Vaccinated, and get tested on a regular basis for my work.
My sailing experience:
On 7/10/21 was 4 hours on about 10 NM, on a Catalina 22 out of Channel Islands harbor in Oxnard. A great experience with two experienced sailers!
ON 7/24 to 7/28/ 2021 on a 41 foot Beneteau the Three Lions, out of MDR, with 3 others and an instructor for the classes listed above for 5 days, a total of 42.5 hours of sailing and 123 NM.
If anyone needs someone to help man a boat, I will need the practice towards my next certification steps, and will contribute to the expenses and clean up!
I am fully Vaccinated, and get tested on a regular basis for my work.
My email is ntuidme@yahoo.com